As I have stated in previous posts, I am not a developer so I will not be developing this idea.  I’m an idea guy, I put these things out there so those who can, can.  Writing code for me is the equivalent of a toddler calculating the Delta V of an asteroid in the Kuiper Belt.

On episode #577 of Linux Unplugged the idea of doing a listener survey came up, then the possibility of having listeners boost in their answers came up.  This got me thinking and I had an idea.  A boost power survey.  Let’s call it the Satoshi Survey.

Ok so it’s really simple…the idea, I imagine the implementation would be more difficult.  I’m imaging this as an open source project that the show host would self host on their own website.  So the host opens the dialog for the survey and clicks create, then fills in their questions and selects the type of answers they want and fills in any multiple choice answers.  Then they click create and are taken to a funding page where they connect their lighting wallet to the survey and add any splits they want to have.  Next they set how much the users filling out the survey have to boost to participate, and then they click finish and are given a URL for the now live survey.

The program would create a short code link that could be customized by the host, so in this example we’ll use Linux Unplugged.  Let say they want to do a yearly listener survey, so the link would be, that has the host domain (, the survey application (SS), and the specific, customized, survey (2024).  There could also be non-customized survey codes which are randomly generated 6 digit codes.

Now they give out the URL to the listeners and when they go to they are presented with the survey.  The listeners fill out the survey and at the bottom they are presented with a QR code for the invoice, directly above or below the QR it would state something along the lines of “Please pay X amount of Sats to submit your answers, and thanks for supporting independent media.”.  So the host has decided to keep the cost of entry low and sets the survey amount to 1000 Sats or $0.60 at the time of writing and the listener pays the 1000 Sats and their answers are submitted.

I would recommend that the host include a split for the developer, in which case a note about also supporting the developer could be included in the above mentioned thank you note.  The developer could also hard code a small split into the code but I would recommend against that, just ask hosts to include a small split to support development.

The only other thing I can think of is attribution, there should be a way to allow the listener to get credit.  So either have an optional field for a username on the survey, or have a tie-in with Nostr to link it to their profile.

So there you have it, now feel free to take the idea and run with it.  I’m not asking for a split, I didn’t do the hard work.  All I ask is an attribution with a link to this post and maybe something on Github if you post the code there.  My Github profile, oppy1984

P.S. sorry this is a bit scatterbrained, if you read the homepage I do call this the Blunderbus of ideas and damn the formatting….ADHD for the ….win?